Become a CBCA sponsor and showcase your organization’s support of the arts, authors, and literary talent!

Why Become A CBCA Sponsor?

  • Be seen by businesses, authors, and readers across Canada as an organization that choses inclusivity over exclusivity when it comes to storytelling.
  • Market & showcase how your organization supports the arts and literary talent.
  • Exponential brand exposure to authors and readers through CBCA’s digital outreach + authors and bookclubs social media accounts. (Ex. Author with 200k followers shares CBCA graphics with your brand highlighted and tagged as a category sponsor.)

Your Sponsorship Goes Towards:

  • Providing exposure opportunities to authors (award stickers, podcast & media coverage etc.) 
  • Funding the roles that connect with authors and readers (Program Director, Social Media Coordinator, Web Designer etc.) 
  • Giveaways for Verified & Avid Readers
  • Finalists & First-Place category CBCA stickers
Simple graphic of desktop computer showing an email newsletter template

Sponsorship Package for the 2024 Awards:

  1. Finalist Announcement Email:
    • Sponsors will receive a shoutout in our email sent to over 1,000 subscribers, including authors, verified readers, avid readers, and press.
  2. Winner Announcement Email:
    • Sponsors will be acknowledged in our winner announcement email, also reaching our 1,000+ subscribers.
  3. Finalist & Winner Announcement Social Post (Instagram & LinkedIn):
    • Sponsors will be mentioned in our announcement posts shared with 1,900+ followers. These posts are also boosted to reach additional audiences.
  4. Finalists & Winner Press Release:
    • Our press release, which is sent to all major and minor publications within Canada, will include a callout to our sponsors.
  5. Website Recognition:
    • Sponsors will be thanked on our website, with their logo featured on the 2024 winners page.

Sponsorship Cost: $5,000